Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Prediction: Libtards Rejoice on Saving Planet

I was reading this earlier today that was a link from this, but did not get a chance to post until now. Some of us actually work for a living and cannot hang out all day long in their parents basement like all the Libtards do while mom is working.

Anyhoo, since Fraud Failure Al Franken is now No. 60 in the Senate, I am sure that this complete failure of a plan will pass.

Even though the bright yellow ball of fire in the sky has been silent, magnetospherically speaking, and that lack of this chaotic field actually provides a calming effect to the out magnetosphere of this blue marble, which in turn has less charged dynamics affecting things like weather, etc., these fools will still pass the Cap and Taxxxxx.

Then, of course the minute this smoldering pile of feces lands on the President's lap for signature, you will see these vapid loons shrilling with joy echoing in a bizarre glossolalia about how the minute Barack's pen touched the bill to ink the final death knell to this economy, the atmosphere cooled, the Arctic icecaps stopped melting, the seas stopped rising, and all is joy joy joy.


I am totally serious.

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