Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stupid Theory: Wind is Dying Due to Global Warming

This is a joke, right? I saw this on Jammiewearingfool.


First, I hardly doubt many in the press, media, government, public even understand any of these arguments on energy and/or the environment. This is complex, not above anyone's heads if they read up on the subject and attempt to understand the scales of magnitude and requirements ahead. I will only use simple models as these will use current, published data, publicly known and simplistically projected over time. Projections over time are pretty much worthless in my experience in technical marketing as you cannot predict paradigm shifts or major upsets, but still I will apply it here for argument.

Secondly, pinwheels are not going to make our country energy independent regardless the speeches, commercials, or a public reach-around performed by Hollywood and the elite. They are not going to do much, even if the amount of these glittery whirlybirds triples every four years for the next 20 years, there are going to be problems.

Taking this data set and plotting the energy produced by pinwheels from 2003 to 2007 (Notice Solar/PV? Pathetic) shows a modest growth, even tripling of the net production over the four years that evil Bush and Darth Cheney were in office. I guess it should have been more intense according to the tin hat environmentals.

So, looking at this growth over time up to 2027, using a simple linear relationship and the formula shown, the estimated net electrical output for pinwheels is ~150 X 10^9 kW hr. Note, this is kW hr [NOTE:DOE and IEA provide some misleading slights of hand in the data publishing. Watch for BTU, kWhr, and thousands of kWhr].
Using the conversion of:


For the entire estimated output of electrical energy by the pinwheels over the entire course of 2027. This is still a longshot as my linear curve, projected over 20 years does not account for the following:

1. World War III
2. Civil War in the US
3. Epiphany that Pinwheels are pure charlatanry
4. The gargantuan amount of real estate taken to house all of these things
5. Realization that the electrical grid, etc will cost too fucking much
6. Nukes overtake all with fast breeders, new designs
7. The first Tokomak goes online
8. Alien invasion
9. Armageddon (topics not covered in items 1, 2, and 8)
10. ?

Still, at this amount, it is still 0.035% of the TOTAL ENERGY PRODUCED in the US in 2007. And I did not account for growth in energy demand. Which can vary, but is steady. More people, more houses, more cars, more capitol goods, more juice required to drive the economy. The EIA and DOE show a relativeley misleading pie chart on this screen. Not to mention that there are a lot of fine details that fluctuate between BTU, kWhr, MWhr, and Thousands of kWhr.

Of course, you will say, "Hey, like you are comparing, like, organic soybeans to some sort of, like, synthetic orange-flavored petrochemical-industrial-complex juice box. Wind power is righteous and actually accounts for, like, a lot of Cali's power, dude."

True, I am singling out pinwheel power and comparing it to the entire energy smorgasbord, however, when the Kewl Aid drinking Libtards pontificate about renewable energy powering all the plug-in tincan cars poorly manufactured by the bloated Michael Moore-like UAW, where will that other replacement energy supply come from?


My greatest concern with the pinwheel insanity bandwagon stems from item 4 above: the amount of land required to house all of these pinwheels. This is not because I am some NIMBY. It is more that all the energy robbed from these low wind patterns will effectively change/transform the landscape.


This might not sound like much since by 2027 this will only amount to <0.035% of the US total energy usage, however, the distribution of the power generation stations are targeted towards areas of high wind patterns. These regions would act as small perturbations to the grand systematic patterns of the current atmosphere. [I say current as there is no baseline or zero reference point, unless of course you are one of those Algores].

Since each of these regions will remove kinetic energy from these weather systems (regardless of the state of the weather), there will be an end effect on the weather as a whole.

I have asked this question of resultant weather changes from the effects of large pinwheel farms to the green nuts, pinwheel people, etc. I have not received an answer yet.

Now of course the reason being is that no one fucking knows squat about this as they are trying to make some of their own green from this visual nuisance, but I would differ. This might be as bad as all the ancestors of these green freaks addressing the smog resulting from oil production and gasoline use. This was easy: change fuel formulations, improve vehicle efficiency, improve refinement.

No, my concern now is that 20-30 years in the future, we do find out that there are effects from these hideous low frequency noise makers, and as a result of cutting nukes, fusion, oil, coal, etc. from our tool chest of opportunities, we find that we were fooled by people who are no longer around. They cashed their green in before heading to greener pastures.

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